The Strike at Kaiser Permanente: California Mental Healthcare Workers Demand Parity
The behavioral healthcare workers in Kaiser Permanente’s vast empire of hospitals, clinics medical offices, and homecare settings are on strike...
The behavioral healthcare workers in Kaiser Permanente’s vast empire of hospitals, clinics medical offices, and homecare settings are on strike...
A medical worker walks past a sign for a pediatric emergency center outside a hospital in Seoul on April 1....
Mental health workers picket the Anaheim Kaiser Permanente Hospital in the Los Angeles area on Monday, October 21, 2024.On Monday,...
Seeking to address the country’s shortage of doctors, the South Korean government proposed a change intended to increase the number...
Korea’s Healthcare System Part I: Why Are Doctors Going on Strike? Korea stands out for its long life expectancy of...
Many of the country’s 13,000 trainee doctors, including interns and residents, have remained on strike since resigning en masse in...
Many of the country’s 13,000 trainee doctors, including interns and residents, have remained on strike since resigning en masse in...
Some 9,000 doctors walked off the job two weeks ago over government plans to increase medical school admissions.South Korea has...
More than 9,000 trainee doctors across South Korea have tendered their resignations and over 8,000 have walked off the job...